This week in science , My teammates and I drew a map of our terrarium.We checked the differences in our terrarium. plants are starting to grow in our terrarium.Some of our organisms are dying in our terrarium and some are still living. Moss is starting to grow in our terrarium.
This is a spider dysdera crocata , me and my teamates found this spider and put it in our terrarium.
This week what i learned was , that in my terrarium we have a cellar spider. Also a spider that i have never heard about which is named ,spider dysdera crocata. I also learned that slugs move slower then snails.
This is a picture of my group and i's terrerium ( its not so GOOD but you can see a SLUG ) :D
some questions that i have are , how do you know if the slug is female or male? what the insects eat in the terrarium? how do they breath with no air ?
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