Monday, May 9, 2011

Post 9: This Week in Science (Fruit Flies Part 2)

                This week in science what i DID was i put a cellar spider into my habitat. That spider DIDn't do anything & was missing half of his legs ( 4 legs ) . That spider was DISABLE. Also what i DID this week in science was , that me and my group put 3 FEMALE flies in a tube & we made a chart guessing how many eggs will they lay for 3 weeks.

This week i DIDN'T LEARN ANYTHING !!!!!!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Post 8: This Week in Science (Fruit Flies Part 1)

This week in science what i DID was saw fruit flies in a little jar. There was larvas in there , there was pupas in there. Also i came for office hours and put the flies to sleep ; but they never woke up :'( R.I.P fruit flies.
     im going to wait and see if they wake up if they dont ; thats the end of them :(

           What i learned this week in science was that when female and male mate the males sperm always stay inside the female so the female doesnt have to mate anymore because all her eggs would be fertilized. Also that when female fruit flies lay their eggs , their eggs hatch the next day, & turns in to a larva . the larva turn in to a pupa & the pupa take 6 days to hatch . i also learned that the way you find out if the fly is amle or female is by the ting the have on the end of their tail. and the female fly lays 20 eggs a day , which is 7300 eggs in a year

Friday, April 15, 2011

Post 7: This Week in Science (Ecosystems)

               This week in science , My teammates and I drew a map of our terrarium.We checked the differences in our terrarium. plants are starting to grow in our terrarium.Some of our organisms are dying in our terrarium and some are still living. Moss is starting to grow in our terrarium.
                           This is a spider dysdera crocata , me and my teamates found this spider and put it in our terrarium.
                This week what i learned was , that in my terrarium we have a cellar spider. Also a spider that i have never heard about which is named ,spider dysdera crocata. I also learned that slugs move slower then snails.
                          This is a picture of my group and i's terrerium ( its not so GOOD but you can see a SLUG ) :D
              some questions that i have are , how do you know if the slug is female or male? what the insects eat in the terrarium? how do they breath with no air ?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Post 6: This Week in Science

             This week in science me and my group made our habitat for our spider . We had to draw everything the spider would need . We had to draw our spider and how they would live in their habitat. We alo had to draw our habitat from front view , and from top view.

        This week in science i learned that if i put saran wrap over the tank with no holes , all i have to do for my spider to continue to survive is put a little tree , some bushes. Also some pebbles. i always learned that spiders eat small insects and other spiders trap  . The way they catch their food is they make a web and leave it there so when any insect goes to the web they wrap the insect and eat them , or save it for later.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Post 5: This Week in Science

       This week in science i played a game called "Oh Deer ! " and we had to calculate how many deers we would have in each generation , which we did 12 generations. This week i also played a game where we had to put animals in their biomes .
                                                          messy but we did it  ^  ^

  What i learned this week was that , there are alot of different animals that live in different biomes . i also learned this word that i never heard before and its really cool " TUNDRA " . Tundra means its always cold it could be like alaska ( if thats where its always cold ).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Post 1: First Impressions

My first impression about was " wow this look like ". is a good website for school. is a good way for us students to blog about what we did in science . i believe that other classes should have a blog to so we can post things there

Post 4: This Week in Science: Energy Transfer

        This week in science I made a energy pyramid of my fantasy animal . I explained what was my producer , what was my primary consumer , my secondary consumer , and my tertiary consumer.  i also made a food web /  chain . On my energy pyramid i showed what animal get its energy from and from where .

   What i learned from this was that krills come from different places like the marine waters , the antartic waters , etc. Also these are where energy from these animals come from ;Phytoplanktons give energy to Flaggellates . Flaggellates gives energy to cillutes. Cillutes gives energy to krills. These animals come from the water. there biome is OCEAN that only where you can find these animals. with out phytoplanktons , flaggellates , and cillutes , there would be NO KRILLS and with out any krills other ocean animals wouldnt be able to find much to eat .

Friday, March 11, 2011

Post 3: This week in science

                               My Fantasy Habitat

what i did this week in science was , i had to  picked an animal and i had to find out where my animal lives.the things that they eat . what are their biome , abiotic , biotic . i also had to draw everything that i researched about my animals habitat. I chose a krill as my animal.

    what i learned about my animal is that my animal eats phytoplanktons , and single cell plants. Krills dont get much to eat but they can live with that because they are very little and they dont need much to eat. Krills live up to 5+  years . krills are about the size of a paper clip.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Post 2: This week in science

This picture show more of the organs; I chose this picture because it shows how me and my team opened the frog even more, that now you can see the frogs heart
This picture shows the frogs organs ; I chose this picture because you can see how we parted the frog but no so much but as much as you can see some organs
This picture shows when my team and I was going to start opening the body of the frog ; I chose this because it looks cool and it shows how we were starting to open the frogs body
This picture shows the frogs mouth open ; I chose this because this picture shows that my team and I cut the bones of the mouth to open the frogs mouth because the frogs mouth was hard to open
this picture shows the frog before anything went down ; I chose this because , it shows how the frog was before me and my team started the dissection of the frog

this week in science me and my classmates disected frogs.We had to use alot of rules for the disection of the frog.some of the rules were ;DO NOT SWING THE KNIFE IN THE AIR . DO NOT PLAY FIGHT DURING THE DISECTION. DO NOT WALK AROUND WITH THE KNIFE IN YOUR HAND ETC.